Sunday, November 18, 2007

First Snowfall of 2007

I think winter is here!

It's been snowing non-stop here in Fairmount Township, Pa. since about noon. The snow sure is pretty when it sticks to the trees! But I hate to drive it the stuff!

The snow is really starting to stick now, as its getting darker out and the cars are starting to slow down. I am kind of sad that fall is gone. The leaves were gorgeous this year, but the weather was
really mild right up until now. It went from the upper 60s to freezing! Where's that gradual change that used to happen?

So, I guess it is time to let go of all the summer clothes I still have hanging up. Time to put them in a Glad and shove them in the attic to make room for all the long-sleeve shirts. Ah- better yet- time to go shopping for more sweaters, etc. Maybe a cute hat and some mittens...
My NJ Adventure- I 've been working on my adventure coming home from NYC for a memoir chapter. Perhaps I will post it soon.. It's quite the story!
I just hope getting to work tomorrow is not as treacherous.

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