Monday, July 30, 2007

The Wilkes book featured in the Citizen's Voice Today

Donna Talarico knows Wilkes University.

Having chosen the school three times — first as a freshman, nearly a decade later to finish her undergraduate work, and now getting a master’s this fall — Talarico was an ideal candidate to ink a book aimed at giving incoming students the skinny. Though college guidebooks abound at bookstores, most don’t give the information students desire: What are the most popular classes? Are freshmen pressured to pledge fraternities or sororities? How are the surrounding neighborhoods? Does the student body have much diversity? And most important, how many females are available for each male?

--Brian Jarvis, CV- July 30, 2007

-Picture by Warren Ruda, CV

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the piece, Donna. Don't you love being the interviewee instead of the interviewer sometimes? Keep making the rest of us 501ers look bad by doing so well!